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About the Journal

ISSN 2541-9110

Registration certificate mass media ПИ No. ФС 77 – 69631 02.05.2017, issued The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)


  • Building construction, buildings and structures
  • Engineering systems and communications
  • Urban planning. Reconstruction, restoration and landscaping
  • Environment and safety of the urban environment
  • Road transport agriculture and construction equipment
  • Economics and organization of construction

Based on the following academic specialties and corresponding branches of science, the resource is included in the “List of reviewed scientific publications”, in which the main scientific results of the dissertations for the ‘Degree of Candidate of Science’ and for the ‘Degree of Doctor of Science’ should be published as of 01.02.2022:

  • 2.1.1 – Building construction, buildings and structures (technical sciences),
  • 2.1.3 – Heat supply ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting (technical sciences),
  • 2.1.4 – Water supply sewerage, construction systems of water resources protection (technical sciences),
  • 2.1.10 – Environmental safety of construction and urban management (technical sciences),
  • 2.1.13 – Urban planning, planning of village settlements (technical sciences),
  • 08.00.05 – Economy and management of the national economy (by industry and field of activity) (economic sciences) (from 22.12.2020 to 16.10.2022)

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